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Anita: this is my goosebump moment. So my grandma loved this song by Andrea Bocelli. I think in Italian it’s ‘Con Te Partirò’, and it’s a beautiful song that both of us used to listen to all the time. She recently passed away, and during her memorial service, they played this song.

Ramon: my goosebump moment is when I went to Ricky Martin’s concert. I went with my sister, and she has loved Ricky Martin since she was a child, So we went together. I bought her the ticket as a gift, as a birthday gift, and we went to his concert, and you know. It was a great deal, there were a lot of people. But the most important part was when he started singing ‘Asignatura Pendiente’, which is a song he dedicates to his mother.

Juan: my goosebump moment is the first time I listened to Loveology, one of Regina Spektor’s songs, which is one of my favorite artists in the whole world. And I came across this video of her playing this song at the Kennedy Center, and I was very drawn to it because it spoke about love and how it is something so complex and even difficult to understand and yet it is something that we all yearn for, and it’s something that connects us all as humankind.

Marian: my goosebump moment is about a song called Mi Dulce Secreto (My Sweet Secret) that I used to sing with my former Cubi.k band. We were a band that used to be in different magazines and TV shows and stuff like that, but no one really knew us. But that song ended in the soundtrack of a TV series, so they invited us to a really big show that we were at once before.

Victor: my goosebump moment is the first time I heard a bass guitar solo. I’ve always liked music, and rock, heavy metal, funk, all that stuff. I really liked it, but I had never really paid attention to the bass until I heard Anesthesia by Metallica. That is just an amazing bass solo, I heard it for the first time and I was just enchanted by it.

Sasha: my goosebump moment has to do with when I went to a Beyoncé concert. It was the On The Run 2 Tour with her husband Jay-Z. ‘Forever Young’ came on and all of the lights in the studio just dimmed everybody put their phone lights on and she play some of her memories.

Jairo: my goosebump moment was when I heard one of my favorite songs: ‘Where the Streets Have No Name’, from one of my favorite bands: U2. I saw a live version of the song from one of the concerts they did at Slane Castle way back in 2001. The live version was two songs merged together, All I Want is You and Where the Streets Have No Name. What they did is that Bono sang the ending of All I Want Is You, the chorus, repeatedly, slowly, without any instruments, with the crowd signing with them.

Valentina: my goosebump moment is with the aria ‘Una Furtiva Lagrima’ from the Donizetti opera ‘L’Elisir D’Amore’. I’m a musician, a professional musician. I got to play my first opera last year, and I knew this opera very well, it’s a comedy, a romantic comedy, and when I was playing, the whole time I was thinking “Oh, my God, I can’t believe I’m doing this! I’m fulfilling a dream!

Nathan: my goosebump moment would have to be the very first time I ever saw Avicii in concert. It also turned out to be the only time I ever saw him in concert. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget for the rest of my life. It was just after his album “True” came out. I had been a fan of his for many years, but I loved every single song. Specifically, when he played ‘Levels’ at his concert.

Rebecca: my goosebump moment was back in 2008. I was seeing the Jonas Brothers for the very first time. And mind you, I was obsessed with them. My sister and I both were in love with the Jonas Brothers and we got to see them in person, live…it was – the build-up to that moment was just everything. And then when we got there the energy – I don’t know if you know this, but Jonas Brothers fans – I mean, we’re dedicated.

Carlos: my favorite goosebump moment was when I first listened to ‘Come Into My World’ by Australian pop singer, Kylie Minogue. I remember thinking at the age of 12: “OMG! What is this? Is this pop perfection? ‘Cause it is to me. And to be honest, it still is to this day. Once I discovered that song, it made me realize how much in love I am with music.

Pedro: my goosebump moment is the music from Linkin Park, especially the song “Breaking the habit” because it makes me remember the my family and my friends during my childhood. It brings joy to my life and brings families together.

Carolina: my goosebump moment is the song “Father and Son” by Cat Stevens. It talks about the relationship with his father and reminds me of my relationship with my father. That’s why I love this song.

Constantin: my goosebump moment happened when I first saw Russian Rap tournaments. It involves so many skills and so much discipline that it’s very entertaining to watch. It sounds amazing, because sometimes you get people who rhyme not just the end of the line, but the whole line, several times. It sounds incredible when you see it done, and it’s just so impressive that people can do it.

Shakur: my goosebump moment was when I attended Tycho’s performance in 2015 in Malaysia. Tycho is an American artist and music composer from San Francisco, also known by the name “ISO50” for his photography and design work. Going to a Tycho performance is not just about the music, it’s also about the visual light performance in the background while you are listening to the music. It was a very captivating experience.

Emi: my goosebump moment was when I first heard Disco House Music at a club in New York City. I was an international student and my friend invited me to go to a club. As soon as I went in, the beats the DJ was providing and my heart beats were synchronized and became one. The energy was so positive and colorful. People had unique attires and were full of love and smiles. It was so perfect.

Aleksandra: my goosebump moment comes from Rihanna’s Fenty X Savage show. It is a perfect combination of dance, art, music, and fashion. It is a provocative and extravagant event that pushes every border of what beauty means. Rihanna shows that every human being, no matter their gender, race or body type is beautiful. I hope more people follow suit, and create pure art and positive vibes.

Preethi: my goosebump moment is a live performance of Adele in Dubai. It had always been my dream to see her live and I got to do that. Her voice is so magical and inspiring. It was just before the pandemic so it stayed with me for a long time. It was one of the best moments in my life! brengt je in vervoering!