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Matias: my goosebump moment would have to be whenever I’m listening to ‘Jigsaw Falling Into Place’ by Radiohead, it’s one of my favorite songs by my favorite band and I love how energetic and chilling it is, I’ve been listening to Radiohead for a quite a few years after to my dad introducing them to me.

Nepha: my goosebump experience happened while I was at Parker McCollum’s concert at the Houston Rodeo. So, the livestock show had just concluded and the concert was about to begin. They had turned off all of the main lights and there was this beautiful display of fireworks.

Simon: my goosebump moment is listening to the song ‘Dancing on My Own’ by Column Scott. I would say it is a goosebump moment for me because everything that he was speaking about in that specific song hit me a little bit hard because I had my potential wife. We were actually engaged and it was a pretty rough time for me because she left me for someone else and I was devastated.

Jason: my goosebump moment. So, there is this Spanish song that always gives me chills, and it’s called ‘Si Pudiera’ by Manuel Medrano and it literally translates to “If I Could”. The lyrics are so heartfelt and raw, that you know, makes it feel more real and relatable.

Kat: my goosebump moment comes from the song ‘Followers’ by the Japanese band Dir En Grey. The very first time I listened to that song when it first came out a few years ago, my heart exploded with happiness and just so much emotion.

Avinash: my goosebump moment is connected to the song ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’. That’s the iconic anthem of Liverpool FC, by Gerry and the Pacemakers. This song is incredibly special to me because I’m a huge fan of Liverpool FC. Every time I hear that song, it sends chills down my spine and gives me those goosebumps. About 10 years ago, I had the privilege of being at Anfield.

Karen: my goosebump moment is related to a song called The Trip by Still Corners. This song is one of the most important songs in my life because I associate it with the most important moment in my life. It was when I was in the airport in Chile about to take a plane to Ireland when I listened to this song and I promised myself that I’d never come back to Chile and that I’d travel the world forever.

Ricardo: my goosebump moment is when I was on the highway with my girlfriend and we were just starting to date I decided to put some Mac Miller on the car radio, and you know I put ‘Objects in The Mirror’ and I listen to all the lyrics you know, and I really feel like I was.

Patricio: my goosebump moment was one night here in Chile when we went to a nightclub with all my friends and we were dancing and we were looking at a girl, that was the most beautiful girl in the club and the song Contando Lunares of Don Patricio started playing and I love that song.

German: My goosebump moment is my experience at the Picnic Festival because there were a lot of well-known bands in addition to several bands that I didn’t know. The concert was on Saturday and as soon as we arrive at the venue we saw the Royal Band, great musicians, and his band was fantastic.

Chiqui: my goosebump moment was when I listened to Frank Ocean’s song Ivy. I remember the first time ai hear this song, I might listen to it one hundred times that day while I was building a desk crying about the love. I’d never met and it also made me feel emotions I thought I never had. This song made me realize that love isn’t about keeping or owning the person.

Melissa: my goosebump moment is when I listened to Paris Paloma’s official song ‘Labour’. I first listened to clips of the song she uploaded on her TikTok and they appeared on my FYP. Once her official song ‘Labour’ came out a few weeks after she had uploaded her TikTok clips, that’s when the goosebump moment happened.

Leonardo: I am going to talk about a song called ‘Feel the Love’ by Rudimental. I had a wonderful experience with this song. It was playing in the background while I was playing in a basketball tournament, and the crazy thing that was happening was I was subbed out and I came in, I made a block on one player, then I made a layup, and then one of my teammates hit me up for an assist for a three, that was the game-winning shot.

Alfred: my goosebump moment was in 2022 when I visited Latin America, Argentina exactly. and at that precise moment, I was able to get a ticket to the Coldplay concert! I was able to live that dream of singing with all my heart Viva La Vida! It was a song that my mother loved.

Jackie: At 13 I started at a new school. It’s hard to make new friends, but when you do, it’s worth it. For a group project, 4 girls and I went to one of their houses after school and I put on ‘Edge of Desire’ and talked about the lyrics. I got chills and suppressed an urge to cry, and the girls came to hug me even though they hadn’t known me for long.

Natalia: my goosebump moment was when I went to a concert of my favorite singer. He is Rafa Pérez. I never remember when they started to play a song by him and I saw him on the stage. It was really amazing for me because he was so close to me and I felt huge emotions and I was very, very happy actually.

Diego: my goosebump moment is the La Vida Boheme concert, a Venezuelan band that sings ‘Nicaragua’. My favorite song. They sing about a lot of political problems that have affected me and many other youngsters in Latin America.

Mar: my goosebump moment is when I first listen to Kanye West’s song called ‘Devil in a New Dress’. This song completely changed my perspective on music, and it also showed me how music connects and affects people in positive ways, as it did in my case. brengt je in vervoering!